Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Chat Application In JAVA.

This is a Java based Server Client chatting Application developed using JAVA Swings. This code implements Socket and multi- thread programming. I had developed the base code for this application during my 3rd year collage. Have done major modifications for making the application more optimized and presentable.

The 3 major parts of the applications are
Server is responsible to connect all clients and trans-receive the messages from one client to another. Server can also send message to individual client or broadcast message to all the clients connected. Server Console shows the running status, the # clients connected and the IP Address of the client.

Client UI is listing all the users connected to Server. Double Click on the user to initiate the communication with a client.

Common shared classes are like bean holding the state of Client. Transport packet bean for bundling the Message/Command and sending over the stream. Simple Arithmetic Password Encryption method is used to save the password in a flat file.

Following are the links to download the executable JARs/Src/Doc.

Note: to run the jar use the following command
java –jar <jarfilename>

Basic Requirement
JDK 1.5 and above.